The 2024 Fleet Forum Sustainability Summit
The Fleet Forum Summit 2024 is focused on reviewing the progress on the Fleet Forum sustainable transport commitments and identifying the key actions that our member community can take to accelarate progress in the achievement of the commitments in 2025.
Getting insight in the current footprint from transport in the aid and development sector and setting targets are crucial first steps. In the 2024 Summit, findings from the fleet emissions baseline will be shared and target setting approaches will be discussed. We will celebrate the work done by the Working Groups over the past months. The Summit is also a place to learn from each other by sharing good practices and identify change management challenges in the implementation. We will put our collective thinking power at work to address questions like: What is needed to deprofile the fleet? And how can we organise at least one shared vehicle trip per day? And answers do we need from research that help to achieve the commitments?
These are the type of topics that we will discuss during the Summit on Tuesday 22 October. The Summit is a members-only event, and we limited the attendance to one representative per member organisation. By keeping the number of participants rather small we can work effectively and can close the Summit with concrete results. Besides, a lower number of people means less travel and therefore less emissions.
We are delighted to share that WHO will host the Summit, which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland. We will start in the afternoon on Monday 21 October and continue on Tuesday 22 October 2024. It will be organised back-to-back with AIDEX. On Wednesday 23 October Aidex will schedule two Fleet Forum panel sessions. In the first one, we will share the outcome of the Summit and discuss with an even wider community. In the second panelsession, we will discuss the importance of partnerships in the achievement of environmental sustainability goals. On this day, AIDEX invites all our members for a networking lunch. A great opportunity to engage a wider community and have our ideas challenged.
Summit Host

Summit Host

Hosting our conference is Toyota Gibraltar Stockholdings (TGS), the official supplier of Toyota Motor Corporation’s ex-stock vehicles and parts to aid and humanitarian agencies. Established in 1996, TGS has supplied over 60,000 vehicles and related solutions to over 100 countries, while TGS Technical Training has over 23 years of experience in delivering training on road safety, best practice and fleet management key performance indicators. In the past six years, it has trained 2,705 participants in 64 countries across the humanitarian community. Its “Safe Drive” certification programme, delivered in partnership with the Bioforce Institute, encourages forward-thinking organisational success.