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Image by Rodrigo Abreu

World Vision International in Kenya wins the 2024 Best Transport Achievement Award!

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Previous Award winners:

Read about the previous winners of our Best Transport Achievement Award. 

2023 winner: Save the Children for the Fleet Transformation Project. 

2022 winner: ICRC for their Fleet Safety Programme. Click here to read more

2021 winner: World Food Programme with their project the Humanitarian Booking Hub. Click here to read more.

2020 winner: No conference due to Covid-19

2019 winner: United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) for the SHERP project. Click here to read more.

2018 winner: Marie Stopes International.

2017 winner: UNICEF

2016 winner: World Food Programme South Sudan

2015 winner: UNHCR

2014 winner: Oxfam

2013 winner: World Food Programme Sudan

2012 winner: Riders for Health

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