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Driver Recognition Programme

Driver Recognition Programme

South East Asia: 

After two highly successful programmes in East Africa, we are pleased to announce that with the support of PAE and RMA, Fleet Forum will be the Driver Recognition Programme to South East Asia. The programme will start in August 2017 and will come to a closure with the Driving Champions Final taking place in May 2018 in Bangkok.

RMA and PAE | Title Sponsor

Over the past 60 years PAE supported complex and critical missions by providing global logistics and stability operations in some of the most challenging environments in the world. Safe road travel is a cornerstone of PAE’s support, and they have undertaken the task of training thousands of drivers in various countries over the past six decades, with the dual objective of expanding their own talented workforce and imparting professional skills to the communities where they operate.

South East Asia: 

After two highly successful programmes in East Africa, we are pleased to announce that with the support of PAE and RMA, Fleet Forum will be the Driver Recognition Programme to South East Asia. The programme will start in August 2017 and will come to a closure with the Driving Champions Final taking place in May 2018 in Bangkok.

RMA and PAE | Title Sponsor

Over the past 60 years PAE supported complex and critical missions by providing global logistics and stability operations in some of the most challenging environments in the world. Safe road travel is a cornerstone of PAE’s support, and they have undertaken the task of training thousands of drivers in various countries over the past six decades, with the dual objective of expanding their own talented workforce and imparting professional skills to the communities where they operate.

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The Fleet Forum, in partnership with hulo, and with support from the European Commission and CDCS is proud to announce the launch of its new Environmental Self-Assessment tool: Fleet and Transport Management. 



In the race to meet 2030 environmental goals, aid and development organisations are stepping up and committing to substantial CO2 reductions. Transport and fleet management are key areas where significant reductions can be achieved within this timeframe. Achieving these reductions requires adopting new approaches to transport, mobility, and fleet management. Using ESAT will allow you to identify your areas for improvement.


The tool 

This tool allows you to assess your organisation's approach to transport and fleet management from an environmental sustainability perspective against a number of recognised standards and requirements, including the DG ECHO Minimum Environmental Requirements and Recommen-dations (MERR). 

  • Follows the principles of Avoid, Shift, Improve recognising that organisations committed to environmental sustainability will be implementing activities across all three of these areas. 

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  • Questions simultaneously applicable at project, country or organisational level, depending on individual requirements.   

  • Multiple choice answers questions divided under 4 categories (Management & Monitoring, Planning & Procurement; Waste & Maintenance; People Management) 

  • Includes a Results Page and recommendations for improvement

  • Includes a Glossary of terms to aid the understanding of environmental terminology in fleet and transport throughout organisations

  • Excel based to support extraction, combination, comparison and analysis of results.


  • Applicable to global, regional, national, local, location levels. 

  • Gain insights into your fleet's environmental performance. 

  • Foster a sense of ownership for your organisation's climate goals. 

  • Empower fleet managers to enhance their fleet's environmental performance. 

  • Identify institutional changes needed to meet environmental goals. 

  • Reflect and develop an improvement plan.  

  • Share with your colleagues in other parts of the organisation. 

  • Include in your proposals or reporting to your donors.

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