The 2021 Global Driving Championship has been awarded to Folivi Adjanoh from UNICEF Togo and Issa Byamukama from Catholic Reliefi Services (CRS) Uganda.
For the first time ever, the Driver Recognition Programme was opened to all aid and development organisations around the world. Fleet Forum set up this programme in 2015 to acknowledge the critical role that drivers play in the delivery of aid and development. We are proud to share that drivers, managers and teams, reached out in record numbers. More than 2.800 drivers from 41 organisations in 66 countries participated.
Between July and November, focal points in each participating office administered two qualifying rounds. Through these qualifying rounds, the top 74 finalists have been identified.
A virtual ceremony was hosted on December 8 to announce the winners and celebrate all humanitarian drivers around the world.
The ceremony was attended by former participating Drivers, Country Directors and Global Fleet Managers who had the option to listen in English, French or Spanish. 621 people from joined the 60-minute virtual event.
Paul Mooney, HR Director at UPS, represented the UPS Foundation, Title Sponsor of the Driver Recognition Programme. He recognised all drivers who have been navigating through the many challenges of the pandemic and commended them for their commitment, dedication and engagement.
In addition to being recognised as the 2021 Global Driving Champions, Folivi and Issa also received USD 300 contribution to invest in their education or that of their children.
Senior leaders and direct supervisors play a key role in recognition. That is why Fleet Forum also facilitated two challenges.
John Obara, Kenya Red Cross wins the Data Wizard challenge
Through the Driver Recognition Programme, participating fleet managers were asked to design data-driven, comprehensive recognition frameworks to select their best driver.
Sponsored by TerraMar Networks, this award category was developed to inspire fleet managers to not only think of driver recognition as a nice to do activity, but instead as a critical enabler of their fleet objectives.
John Obara, Regional Logistics Officer from Kenya Red Cross won the 2021 award. John made the link to his fleet management objectives, carefully thought of appropriate indicators, made the framework practical (considering the operating context) and applied the framework using data.
Marianne Menjivar, Country Director of IRC Colombia wins the Leadership challenge
The best employee recognition comes from the captain of the ship, the leader of an organisation. Fleet Forum hosted the Leadership challenge, encouraging all senior leaders of participating organisations to submit a short video message, describing what drivers mean to their organisation.
Leading up to the final ceremony, Fleet Forum received 15 applications from Country Directors with inspiring messages.
Marianne Menjivar from (International Rescue Committee (IRC) Colombia won as she emphasised how critical road safety is, not only to keep their staff safe, but also the communities IRC is operating in.
Did you miss the ceremony?
In addition to celebrating the winners of the 2021 Global Driver Recognition Programme, the Fleet Manager of the Year was also recognised during the ceremony, attended by 621 viewers around the world.