(OSCE Mission brings training to their drivers amidst C-19 restrictions)
In February, 30 drivers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (MBiH) completed the ‘Drivers Competency Essentials’ Specialisation.
“I learned about driving in convoys, eco-driving tips, off road driving, how 4x4 system is functioning, and so much more.” - Amer Hadžerić
Last year, Administrative Management of MBiH reached out to Fleet Forum. Demand for transport had reduced temporarily – in light of Coronavirus measures – and they wished to use this opportunity to build the capacity of their drivers.
Fleet Forum set up an online training school called Driver’s Seat, where organisations can access (online) trainings from different training companies. Driver’s Seat was born from a belief that drivers are the solution, not the problem. The solution for a structural reduction of road crash fatalities and injuries, a solution to reduce CO2 emissions and other air pollutants that are associated with road transport and a solution for an efficient, effective and high performing fleet.
In December, participants were given access to the Drivers Competency Essentials. Towards the end of the training, a live Q&A was organised, so that participants could speak directly to the experts and get all their questions answered.

"All explanations are on very high level. Even I thought I know a lot, after these courses I learned many new things and heard many new informations" - Sinisa Trifunovic
All 30 drivers have received their Completion Certificate so far and have given the training a 4.6 rating (out of 5). OSCE MBiH management feels enthusiastic about the quality of training that Fleet Forum and TGS produced in a very professional manner. The online training gave insight into future ideas of trainings, such as defensive driving and winter driving. Fleet Forum is examining the possibilities to offer such trainings via Driver’s Seat in the future.
Are you interested in training your drivers?
Visit Driver’s Seat, the School or send us an email at info@fleetforum.org.