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Fleet Forum is seeking a Treasurer to join the Fleet Forum Executive Committee (“the Board”)

We believe that sustainable transport is the future license to operate for the aid and development sector. 

Fleet Forum is driven to increase effectiveness of programmes and missions of aid and development organisations by improving their fleet management performance. Making transport in the aid and development sector cleaner, safer, more efficient and effective. To support our mission, we are looking for a treasurer who is driven to make a difference, who believes in the power of collaboration, who understand the tough environment and would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts.  

The Treasurer will hold the Executive Committee to account for the finances and vision, maintain financial control and ensure we comply with our legal responsibilities as a Registered Swiss Association. The Treasurer will work with all members of the Executive Committee and the executive team to ensure that there is a transparent and clear financial process. 

Who are we?  

Fleet Forum is seen as THE convenor around Fleet Management in the aid & development sector. Bringing together organisations, donors, suppliers and academia gives Fleet Forum a leading, prominent and responsible position. Our typical members from the aid and development sector are the large UN agencies, NGO’s and the Red Cross and Red Crescent family. We managed to get Fleet Management higher on the agenda of managers of organisations and supported organisations with improving their fleet management performance. It started 20 years ago as an annual gathering of fleet managers in the aid and development sector.  Now we are a member organisation with 50 member organisations, interacting with the community of hundreds of staff members of organisations to improve the fleet management performance in the sector. In essence, we want all organisations to manage their fleet in a way that has minimal impact on the environment, saves lives and keeps costs low. 

The Executive Committee  

The Treasurer is member of the Executive Committee of Fleet Forum, supporting its ambitious goals. They set the strategy of Fleet Forum and support the executive team to further grow impact of the organisation. 

The Executive Committee members represent the sector, and as such strives for the best output for Fleet Forum and all its members. The members represent the Fleet Forum community and not their respective organisations. Executive Committee membership is a non-remunerated engagement.  

Time commitment  

It is expected that the work will take approximately 6 hours per month, but this may vary, dependent on workload at the time. As part of the hours, it is expected that the Treasurer will attend the online meetings (usually 3 virtual meetings and 1 in person meeting per year) and the General Assembly. 

Who are we looking for?  

We are looking for a senior manager. An energetic person who is driven to make a difference, who believe in the power of collaboration, who understand the tough environment and would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts. Besides, our preferred candidate for the role of Treasurer has a financial background. Prior experience working with nonprofits, or a good understanding of the nonprofit sector is not necessary, but valuable. 

Fleet Forum recognise that Executive Committee members with a wide range of backgrounds, each brings their own unique perspectives that shape and influence ways to be innovative and solve problems. Diversity improves decision making and encourages people to be creative and hard-working. Diversity speaks about gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias. It refers to the issues that make people different from one another. It is not who people are, it is the perspectives they bring to the table. We encourage people from all backgrounds, communities, and industries to nominate themselves.  

If you feel like you fit in the Fleet Forum Board, we would love to talk to you.

Please reach out to Paul Jansen, Executive Director of Fleet Forum,  






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