The Fleet Forum team is always on the lookout for ways to improve transport effectiveness in humanitarian organisations in low- and middle-income countries, both in the aid and development- and commercial transport sectors. Building the capacity of fleet managers through relevant and action-inspiring training
Before Covid-19 hit the world with an almost complete lockdown, our training programme consisted of three elements:
Self-paced learning through the completion of e-learning modules
3-day interactive classroom training in West Africa, East Africa and the Middle East
6-month remote guidance to support participants in the implementation of their plan, leading to improvements in cost efficiencies, service delivery, road safety and environmental footprint
From in-country to in-your-home
With many countries implementing lockdowns in April, we quickly began to rethink our training programme, which was -up until then- build around trainers flying into countries, and providing local in-country trainings.
Fleet Forum is a virtual organisation; our team members are based around the world and working remotely comes natural to us. And since aid and development organisations had their own employees working from home, the decision to start training people online was quickly made.
Diving into the online world
At the end of 2019, Fleet Forum had already started to host webinars. This gave us a platform to reach out to member organisations to provide valuable information without anyone having to leave their office or home.
It also got us into the habit of sharing information and inspiring our community in an online environment. In April, we organised corona virus-themed webinars twice a day for a month, to provide valuable information around Covid-19, and to answer questions from our members and anyone else who wanted to listen or ask.
From there, it seemed like a logical step to dive into the world of online learning. Initially we thought of it as being a temporary solution, just during the Covid-19 months. But the success and positive responses has been larger than imagined, much to everyone’s surprise.
Between April and September 2020, we have trained over 150 staff members through our Fleet Management Fundamentals training. This is what some of our happy trainees have said:

"The exchange with people with different experiences, activities and country of duty. Very good atmosphere during the training and a very motivated, friendly and competent trainer".
"Very interactive and informative. It is specific to fleet management issues which speak to my job as a fleet manager".
"The material enhanced my knowledge to look forward to new ideas that can be implemented right away in fleet management".
“Well online vs classroom is very debatable, but this is honestly the best online training I have ever attended, the quality of the information received is pretty much identical to a classroom, as close as can be!”
Is Online Learning here to stay?
With Coronavirus becoming part of our ‘new normal’ mode , Fleet Forum are multiple reasons to keep the online trainings going.
Trainees do not need to leave the house to attend a training;
Global advantage: people can attend from any country. Especially from countries where the Fleet Forum team might not have been able to reach previously;
It makes for a diversified group of people to learn with and learn from;
Trainees can step up their skills, while for organisations this is a way to support their employees, who would otherwise be waiting at home to go back to work.
It saves organisations money: there are no travel fees
Are you interested in joining fleet management training? We offer Fleet Management Fundamentals training (which is available in English and French) and a Fleet Management Pro training. Each designed to help increase the expertise of the humanitarian professionals operating fleets in field, country and regional offices.
Online Training for Drivers
With the success of online training for fleet managers, we decided to work together with partners to bring online training for drivers to aid and development organisations. To that effect, in May, we launched Driver’s Seat, the School[.
From the multiple trainings we currently have online, the ‘Driver Compentency Essentials’ was the first to be released and it is specifically designed for drivers that have driving experience in the aid sector. It is a 3-part training, provided by TGS and it takes drivers through 3 levels: Understand Basic Driver’s Competencies - Understand Your Vehicle -
Advanced Driver's Competencies.
TGS has integrated online training into their Safe Driving certification, thereby transforming their programme into a blended learning one. The added value of replacing part of the physical classroom training with online training is that:
Drivers will spend less time in a classroom training, leading to cost savings and fewer programme disruptions
As travel restrictions remain in place in certain countries, organisations can start with online training and then schedule physical training once travel restrictions are lifted
Most recently, in collaboration with MasterDrive, we have added an Eco-Driving training to our online curriculum. This training helps to provide drivers and organisations to reduce their fuel consumption and thereby impacting positively on their carbon footprint.
In the coming month, we will be launching AV and motorbike training.
If you are interested in following an online training or you would like to know what the Fleet Forum can do for your organisation, send an email to learn more.