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Fleet Forum Sustainability Summit

The Fleet Forum Summit 2023 is focused on defining sector-wide goals related to sustainable transport and identifying the key topics that require collaborative effort to achieve them. The overarching objective is to develop common goals and a shared agenda for sustainable transportation that can guide the efforts of our community.

Getting insight in the current footprint from transport in the aid and development sector is a crucial first step. Some organisations already made steps, others did not yet. How can we get aligned in our approach? What are the main impacting factors and how do we address these to substantially reduce environmental impact? Wat is needed to realise it and how do we collaborate?

These are the type of topics that we will discuss during the Summit on Tuesday 24 October. The Summit is a members-only event, and we limited the attendance to one representative per member organisation. By keeping the number of participants rather small we can work effectively and can close the Summit with concrete results. Besides, a lower number of people means less travel and therefore less emissions.

At this moment, the Dutch Fleet Forum Team is on the train, making their way to Geneva. To read more about the summit, click here.

We will keep you updated on the Summit through our social media channels.



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