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Global Fleet Summit: Powertalks

Global Fleet Powertalks Partner

Fleet Forum is partnering with Global Fleet, the leading community in global fleet management in the commercial sector. We believe that we can learn from exchanging experiences. 

On the upcoming Tuesday December 5th, a panel of twelve esteemed experts is poised to share their insights during the Global Fleet Summit's "Power Talks for Global Fleet Leaders". Experts from both from the private sector and the humanitarian sector. The content will be available 24/7 on-demand to make it more convenient for you.

Join Paul Jansen, Executive Director for Fleet Forum, along with Fleet Forum members: Jenny Archibald from Norwegian Refugee Council, Rugeyyi George Igga from Medicines sans Frontiers Switzerland (MSF) and Carlos Roberto Guemez Shedden from UNHCR.


We will do a deep dive into a wide array of questions, where these seasoned professionals will offer their expertise on key topics: Safety, Sustainability, Sourcing, and LCV.


Click on the link to read more, to view the speakers and program and to save your seat:


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