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Registration is now open to join our Fleet Excellence Trainings.

Updated: Oct 4, 2018

Fleet Forum invites you to register to our 2018 in-country Fleet Excellence training. The Fleet Excellence Training, which is funded by USAID / OFDA aims to build Fleet Management Capacity in aid and development organizations.

Programme The programme includes:

  • Access to fleet management e-learning modules, which will help participants learn the basics at their own pace before the training.

  • 3-day in-country workshop which will include fleet management, fleet safety management and clean fleet strategy modules.

  • Guidance to create a personal implementation plan to improve fleet management within your organisation.

  • Frequent support and follow-up to assist you in the implementation of your personal implementation plan over the course of 10 months.

Location and dates:

Dates Location Training Language

2-4 September, 2018 Bangladesh English

10-12 September, 2018 Central African Republic French

24-26 September, 2018 Lebanon English

8-10 October, 2018 Nigeria English

22-24 October, 2018 Kenya English


More information is available on our website: Fleet Excellence Training and in the information package.

No costs are involved in participating in the programme. The expenses for travel to and from the workshop location and stay (hotel, lunch, dinner, personal expenses etc.) will need to be incurred by you or your organisation.

If you would like to register, please download the information package, fill in the learning agreement and send it to Evelien van Rhijn.


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