We are happy to announce a new member to the Fleet Forum team!
Who is Action Agains Hunger?
As the world’s hunger specialist, the primary goal is to create a better way to deal with hunger. For almost 40 years, they have led the global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes.
Their teams have been on the front lines, treating and preventing malnutrition across nearly 50 countries. They save the lives of children and their families. They are there for them before and after disaster strikes. They enable people to provide for themselves, see their children grow up strong, and for whole communities to prosper. They constantly search for more effective solutions, while sharing our knowledge and expertise with the world. Pushing for long-term change. Never give up. Until the world is free from hunger.
For more information on Action Against Hunger, please go to: https://www.actionagainsthunger.org