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Welcome to Medical Teams International, our newest Fleet Forum member

We are happy to announce a new member to the Fleet Forum team!

In our broken world, so many people are suffering. They are pushed to the margins and forgotten. Men, women and children are persecuted and left without homes. They are hurting, sick and in crisis.

God calls us to love the vulnerable, to dare to love like Jesus. He uses us to provide people in crisis with protection and care.

We work to restore health as the first step to restoring hope. Because every person deserves the chance for a better life.

People in crisis are dying from preventable causes. Our staff and volunteers are working to change that by bringing basic but life-saving medical care.

Going where we’re needed most, we ease the suffering of those devastated by crises. We mobilize staff and volunteers quickly – entering places of turmoil, disease and natural disaster – to save lives and leave communities healthier.

For more information on Medical Teams International, visit:


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