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What to expect during Day 2 - The Annual Conference is almost here!

The Virtual Annual Conference is almost here... This years theme is: Accelerating the Change. In just over a week, on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 of June, 1.300 fleet professionals will meet online to learn, to discuss and to network. We have a full calendar online (you can view it here) but if you would like to read the more detailed information about wich sessions you would want to attend, this is the post for you.

Day 2 - Wednesday June 26

Networking is open from 10AM to 12PM.  Choose a table in the Airmeet platform to connect with peers or visit a booth.  


The official opening of the conference starts at 12PM (all times are CEST) Expect the following sessions: 

12.15 - 12.45

Keynote session: Kathrine Vad - Senior Manager at DSS+

The powerful role of transport in achieving sustainability in the sector

Sustainable transport is the future license to operate. Donors, local communities, country regulations will put more presure on organisations to deliver sustianable transport. It is not a nice to have or an add on. It is part of how you operate. It is part of every decision you make. And transport is under your direct control. So easier to realise positive impact.


So how do people engage with this topic? Why would people make the right decisions? Why do we do what we do, even if they realise it might not be the right decision? And how do we operationalise our commitments, our ambitions? Join us for this inspiring and thought-provoking Keynote session on day 2 to learn more!

13.00 - 13.45 - Choose from any of these sessions: 

  1. Farai Mpasi - Flying Fleet Manager at Medecins Sans Frontiers/South Sudan Mission Session: Right-sizing and right-profiling - what's the right pace of change? In this session on right-sizing and right-profiling humanitarian vehicle fleets, led by Farai Mpasi from MSF, who has successfully implemented these strategies in the field. Discover practical approaches to optimize fleet efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance operational effectiveness. Learn from real-world examples and gain valuable tips to apply in your own organisation.

  2. Gwyn Roberts - CEO at TerraMar + Nathalie Rotschild - Toyota Gibraltar Stockhildings Session: Driver engagement in sustainability Cultivate Your Green Fleet. Join TerraMar & TGS for this interactive session exploring driver engagement in sustainability and performance optimization. Discover how TerraMar's GreenCoach app (pilot) empowers drivers to become eco-friendly champions and go beyond the app with us to discuss capacity building programs that unlock their full potential – for a holistic approach to building a sustainable fleet.

  3. Cyril Pierrot - Project Coordinator at Fleet Forum & Steve Kinuthia - Project Manager at Fleet Forum Session: GreenMe - Join this live demo session to get you ready to use this new platform! In the race to meet 2030 environmental goals, aid and development organisations are stepping up, committing to substantial CO2 reductions. The key battleground? Transport and Fleet.  Enter GreenMe: a game-changer backed by Fleet Forum, powered by USAID/BHA, and fine-tuned with insights from 148 pilot testers across 31 humanitarian agencies. It's not just a platform; it's a catalyst for personal commitment, pushing staff to make a real impact. Let's accelerate fleet greening and turn sustainability goals into reality! 

14.00 - 14.30 Navigating Waste Management

Interactive panel

14.30 - 15.00

Collaborating to achieve sustainability: practical experiences from transport pooling

Interactive panel

15.00 - 15.30

Fleet Manager of the Year Award

Shortlist video presentations

15.30 - 16.15 - Choose from any of these sessions: 

  1. Pierre Cuny - Product Manager - Chef de Produit at CLS Session: Humanitarian activity areas detection based on vehicle position data Offices, warehouses, refugee camps, temporary areas… All these areas are important for the smooth running of your humanitarian activities. But how accurate are their positions in your geographic information system (GIS)?  Accuracy of location of these areas is crucial, especially in a crisis situation. In this session, discover how CLS can use GPS positions of vehicles of your fleet to detect and update regularly location of Humanitarian activity areas.

  2. Rebecca Lewin - Senior Associate at Fleet Forum Session: ESAT - transforming our approaches to environmental self assessment Fleet Forum, in partnership with hulo, and with support from the European Commission and CDCS launched its new Environmental Self-Assessment tool: Fleet and Transport Management.  In the race to meet 2030 environmental goals, aid and development organisations are stepping up and committing to substantial CO2 reductions. Transport and fleet management are key areas where significant reductions can be achieved within this timeframe. Achieving these reductions requires adopting new approaches to transport, mobility, and fleet management. Using ESAT will allow you to identify your areas for improvement.

  3. Marta Kucharski - Waste Management Specialist WREC Session: Decision making in fleet waste management The Decision Making in Fleet Waste Management session will share key steps to manage fleet waste in humanitarian operations. Even when organizations are based in remote areas with no facilities around or operating in acute emergency contexts, a decision-making process based on best practices from humanitarian organizations can be followed to minimize the environmental impacts of fleet waste.

16.15 - 16.30 Fleet Manager of the Year Award - Ceremony

16.30 - 16.45

Fleet Manager of the Year Award - Ceremony

16.45 - 17.30 - Choose from these sessions:

  1. Cyril Pierrot - Project Coordinator at Fleet Forum / Miranda Shami - Administrative Officer at WHO Jordan and Charles Motieriondieki - at ICRC Session: Exploring applicability of battery EVs in the middle east and Africa: 2 years of project findings Two years exploring the applicability of Battery Electrical Vehicles in the Middle East and Africa between: a review of project findings. Following 2 years drawing learnings and collecting data from the 36 Battery electric vehicles (BEV) that our project partners ICRC, UNHCR, WHO, CRS, NRC and UNDP have placed in their fleets in the middle east and in Africa, Fleet Forum has recently published the report Battery Electric Vehicles: what does it solve ? and its annexes. In this session we will review the main project findings around the BEV life cycle (adoption, utilisation and end-of life) with insights such as the brands and model procured, the actual utilisation challenges, total cost of ownership and break-even point against an internal combustion engine vehicle…. We will also look into the practical challenges faced by partner agencies and the risks leaning behind and unthoughtful electrification, as well as into the recommendations and guidance we have put together for the humanitarian sector. Since 2022, Cyril has managed the Electric Vehicles project and authored the BEV report. He is contributing to other Fleet Forum sustainability-related projects may they be hands-on like the ‘Vehicle sharing blueprint in Lebanon and CAR’, or content development related like the ‘Greenme platform’ or the ‘Environment Self-Assessment Tool’.

  2. Stefano Nicolai - Head of UN Mobility Session: UN Mobility - powered by WFP: Advancing carpooling to become the new norm in passenger mobility and the smart, innovative way to do more with less in a challenging funding context. UN Mobility of the UN Booking Hub, powered by WFP, continues to work towards supporting the efficiency roadmap, particularly at a time when the challenging funding context and financial constraints, are impacting the ability to assist the increasing number of those in need. The humanitarian sector is required to do more with less, thinking innovatively and exploiting all possible efficiencies. Greater collaboration through inter-agency carpooling will allow to use limited resources as efficiently and effectively as possible as every dollar saved can be redirected to core missions. UN Mobility, powered by WFP, with 13 partnering Agencies in 106 countries, a fleet of 8,000 UN vehicles and 2.8M passengers served to date, contributed to USD 5.1 million of efficiency gains in 2023 alone across the UN system. Accelerating the change, by swiftly scaling up UN Mobility and inter-agency collaboration through carpooling across the entire system will unlock and maximize efficiencies for all. The current financial constraints representing a catalyst in accelerating the adoption and global roll-out. The session will focus on UN Mobility’s journey to date and on the obstacles, resistances and challenges faced in rolling out the initiative, with the ambition of having carpooling become the new smarter and cost-efficient norm in passenger mobility.

17.30 - 17.45

Closing of the Conference


17.45 - 18.30  

Networking open in Airmeet 


These Sponsors help us to make the Annual Conference possible:




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