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Who we Are - Fleet Forum Team

About Fleet Forum: 

The world’s only not-for-profit organisation dedicated to cleaner, safer and more effective humanitarian transport in developing nations. Through professional fleet management, we help our members to deliver life saving and life changing aid to communities in need.

We believe that professional fleet management in developing countries can help to save lives, save costs and save the planet.

This includes:

• Developing a global fleet management strategy link to an organisation’s strategy

• Putting in place the people, processes and resources to implement a strategy 

• Putting social, financial and environmental sustainability at the heart of their fleet management strategy

• Using data to measure and improve their fleet performance

Fleet Forum History:

Fleet Forum was formed in 2003 to encourage, facilitate, and develop relationships between humanitarian aid and development organisations all over the world. Twenty years later, we have grown to an interagency association consisting of more than 40 members, including (international) non-governmental organisations, United Nations agencies, Red Cross/Crescent organisations, commercial fleet operators, mobility product and service suppliers, donors and academic institutions.


The following organisations make up Fleet Forum's Board and steer the organisation

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The Fleet Forum Board:

Please "hover" over the photos to view names and details

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Mads Kjaer

President of the Board

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Mike Tomkins

Secretary of the Board

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Sandra Goris 

Treasurer of the Board

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Kevin Jones 

Board Member

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Carmen Garcia Duro

Board Member

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Sulaiman Ken Sesay

Board Member

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Juan Galvez

Board Member

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Paul Mooney

Advisory Board Member

Fleet Forum Staff: 

Please "hover" over the photos to view names and details

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Paul Jansen

Executive Director

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Rose van Steijn

Development Director

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Nikita Udhwani

Delivery Director

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Rebecca Lewin

Senior Associate

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Magdalena Aguilar 

Consultancy Manager

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Paul Bradford

Fleet Expert

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Catherine Jura Sentamu


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Theresa Dennen

Performance and Data Analyst


Renate Boere

Communications Specialist

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Training Administrator

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Dr Pramilla Sanjaya

Country Director India


Rob McConnell

Senior Fleet Management Consultant

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