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Driver Recognition Programme

Driver Recognition Programme

South East Asia: 

After two highly successful programmes in East Africa, we are pleased to announce that with the support of PAE and RMA, Fleet Forum will be the Driver Recognition Programme to South East Asia. The programme will start in August 2017 and will come to a closure with the Driving Champions Final taking place in May 2018 in Bangkok.

RMA and PAE | Title Sponsor

Over the past 60 years PAE supported complex and critical missions by providing global logistics and stability operations in some of the most challenging environments in the world. Safe road travel is a cornerstone of PAE’s support, and they have undertaken the task of training thousands of drivers in various countries over the past six decades, with the dual objective of expanding their own talented workforce and imparting professional skills to the communities where they operate.

South East Asia: 

After two highly successful programmes in East Africa, we are pleased to announce that with the support of PAE and RMA, Fleet Forum will be the Driver Recognition Programme to South East Asia. The programme will start in August 2017 and will come to a closure with the Driving Champions Final taking place in May 2018 in Bangkok.

RMA and PAE | Title Sponsor

Over the past 60 years PAE supported complex and critical missions by providing global logistics and stability operations in some of the most challenging environments in the world. Safe road travel is a cornerstone of PAE’s support, and they have undertaken the task of training thousands of drivers in various countries over the past six decades, with the dual objective of expanding their own talented workforce and imparting professional skills to the communities where they operate.

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Vehicle and ride sharing initiatives between NGOs

Hulo, the first humanitarian logistics cooperative (formerly known as RLH) and Fleet Forum are pleased to announce two vehicle sharing project in which NGOs can participate. Both projects are co-funded by DG ECHO and CDCS. 


Expanding vehicle sharing in Lebanon

The project ‘Vehicle Sharing Between NGOs’, which started last year with the support of USAID BHA, will continue in Lebanon. In Lebanon currently 8 organisations, ACF, ACTED, Concern, Danish Refugee Council, Médecins du Monde, Terre des Hommes Lausanne, Solidarités International and World Vision International are actively sharing vehicles on designated routes and are reducing CO2 emissions, increasing road safety and reducing costs. 


We are inviting all NGOs operating in Lebanon to work together and share transport resources. 


If you are interested to participate in the project in Lebanon, contact Cyril at or Khalifa at


Starting vehicle sharing in Bangui, Central African Republic


Hulo and Fleet Forum want to replicate the vehicle sharing between NGOs initiative in other locations, the first one being Central African Republic. Initially the focus will be on the airport transfers, once that is established the project scope will be broadened to the sharing of vehicles in Bangui. We invite all NGOs operating in Bangui, who wish to make a positive contribution to sustainability, to participate in this project. 


Milestones in the project

Vehicle Sharing between NGOs Table website kopie.jpg

Deliverables of the vehicle sharing project

  • For Lebanon: vehicle sharing is the method of choice for participating NGOs

  • For CAR: vehicle sharing is the method of choice for trips to / from Bangui airport.

Is this a project in which you should participate? 

Yes, if you: 

  • Want to be a front runner in adopting new ways of staff transport

  • Are eager to work in a collaborative approach and learn together

  • Wish to actively contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions and costs

  • Are willing to make changes to your current fleet set up to achieve joint success

  • Can overcome organizational barriers


Interested to participate? 

Vehicle sharing in Lebanon, contact Cyril at or Khalifa at


Vehicle sharing in Central African Republic, contact Rose at

Download the brochure for more information:
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Project in partnership with:

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